Apr 23, 2008

Gokusen 3

ごくせん~Gokusen 3




山口久美子 Kumiko Yamaguchi ・・・仲間由紀恵 Yukie Nakama

猿渡五郎 Goro Sawatari ・・・・・・・ ・生瀬勝久 Katsuhisa Namase

緒方大和 Yamato Ogata ・・・・・・・ 高木雄也 Yuya Takaki (Hey!Say!JUMP)

風間 廉 Ren Kazama ・・・・・・・ 三浦春馬 Haruma Miura

夏目誠一 Seiichi Natsume ・・・・・・・ 小泉孝太郎 Kotaro Koizumi

鷹野 葵 Aoi Takano ・・・・・・・ 平山あや Aya Hirayama

鮎川さくら Sakura Ayukawa ・・・・・・・ 星野亜希 Aki Hoshino

熊井輝夫 Teruo Kumai ・・・・・・・ 脇 知弘 Tomohiro Waki

朝倉てつ Tetsu Asakura ・・・・・・・ 金子 賢 Ken Kaneko

馬場正義 Masayoshi Baba ・・・・・・・ 東 幹久 Mikihisa Azuma

赤城遼子 Ryoko Akagi ・・・・・・・ 江波杏子 Kyoko Enami

黒田龍一郎 Ryuichiro Kuroda ・・・・・・・ 宇津井 健 Ken Utsui



    Vice principal Sawatari now works at Akado Gakuin and is in desparate need to find someone to handle the unmanageable class 3-D and bring Yankumi in to Akado Gakuin. The class of 3-D consists of two rivaling groups, one lead by Yamato Ogata and the other lead by Ren Kazama. One day Ren was interrogated by police as a suspect for purse-snatching and Yankumi was the only one believing his innocense and trying to find a real culprit...

Theme song: 虹 Niji by Aqua Timez

Release date: May 6, 2008

Insert song: 俺達の青春 Oretachi no Seishun by 高木雄也 Yuya Takaki

Dreams come true : New album to be released on May 21, 2008 by Hey! Say! JUMP which includes "Oretachi no Seishun"

NTV's official website

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